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View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Vinny 3:22 Thu Aug 27
After a surprising defeat at home to AFC Bournemouth, West Ham look to get their season back on track with a visit to Anfield to take on Liverpool.

As we know, West Ham haven't beaten Liverpool on their own patch since 1963 and with the performances in the last two Premiership games it seems as unlikely as ever that this record will change this time around.

There was much hysteria caused by the defeat to Bournemouth. Fans at the game and on social media went into meltdown as if West Ham had not lost such games in the past.

Whatever the result on Saturday we are looking to see an improvement on our defending which the last two games have shown as being abysmal.

The view from the opposition this week comes from Liverpool fans Dan Liggins and Reece. Many thanks to both for their answers.

Why do Liverpool fans think they are the best in the country? (Leroys Boots)

It's about the history and tradition of the football club compared to the others.

Reece: Is that the belief? If it is then I think it's a belief is rooted in tradition; The Kop, the scarves and flags, the usually knowledgeable and patient supporters. In the past, a number of opposing fans and players have said that visiting Anfield is a special experience because of the atmosphere.

However, I think most Liverpool fans would agree that things have changed at Anfield recently and it's hard to pin-point why. I've heard it said about ticket prices, about the type of fans that are now going to Anfield and that our ownership has impacted that. Others will point towards the manager and our performances last season. In our first home game of this season, against Bournemouth, we didn't play very well at all and it was reflected in the terrible atmosphere. The Bournemouth fans sung constantly and were brilliant, by the way.

Is there no limit to the amount Rodgers can spend whilst delivering absolutely nothing? (Honest Hammer)

Certainly not, Rodgers is under pressure as we speak and he has to deliver a successful season after what happened towards the back end of last season. The owners have backed him well since he has been appointed, but they have a ruthless approach as Liverpool fans saw when Dalglish left the club in 2012 and they will not hesitate to sack him if this season isn't up to standard. He has delivered to a certain extent, he took us to within touching distance of the title and that needs to be remembered.

I really like him as a manager and how he often gives youngsters a chance as we saw with Jordan Rossiter making an appearance at the Emirates on Monday night, but he knows he cannot produce a below par season with the money the club has spent on the likes of Benteke and Firmino this window.

Reece: There's a big divide on Rodgers within the LFC fan base right now. My own feeling is that he should have gone after 'the 6-1' and I felt that way not only because of the season we had but mainly because it seemed his position was unsustainable. Klopp and Benitez rumours started circling and we heard nothing from anyone at the club for at least two months.

Somehow, after what we've been told were a number of crunch talks with the owners that saw both our assistant manager and first team coach sacked, Rodgers hung on. I feel that if we were going to sack him, it should've been back then - I back him now as the season has started and we need consistency. Rodgers has been helped a lot by the season we almost won the league as well, it's definitely brought him some time. We've started this season well results wise and our performance against Arsenal was the best I've seen in a while.

Do non scouse fans sing “Steve Gerrard Gerrard” with a scouse accent?

It occasionally happens I guess, especially at games. Every non scouse fan goes a little bit scouse from time to time.

Reece: I'm a non-scouse Liverpool fan and I'm conscious of it. I still don't sing any songs in a scouse-accent though haha!

After selling your best two players in the last 2 years (Suarez and Stirling) how long do you think it will be until a big club come's and buys Coutinho? (Claret on my shirt)

If Coutinho continues to perform like he has been doing since the turn of the year he will obviously have interest in him and if its a Barcelona or Real Madrid I can't see any player being able to turn one of them down. After the sales of Suarez and Sterling the club would do everything to keep him but if they couldn't, they wouldn't let him go cheaply. Coutinho is an outstanding player and he makes the team tick and he knows that.

ReeceNot long, unless we get Champions League football. Even then I doubt that would mean we were able to hang onto Coutinho if the right clubs came calling. I don't mean to insult Coutinho's loyalty but it seems that doesn't exist anymore in modern football. To Liverpool's credit, at least we've been able to command a big fee for our star players in recent times.

Tell me exactly what went through your mind in the moments during and immediately after Gerrard slipped over against Chelsea, and do you know how funny almost everyone else in the country found it? (El Scorchio)

My mind was completely blank when I saw what happened and you could really tell that was the moment that the title went, there was no coming back after that really. The fact it was him obviously makes it harder to digest. Oh yes, I could imagine just how funny it was to the rest of the country, I would've found it equally as funny if it happened to another team and another player but it is what it is and it's a shame for the guy because no one will ever forget about it. He is arguably Liverpool's greatest ever player so how that happened to him was hard to take.

Reece: Sometimes, in the dead of the night, I wake up screaming from a nightmare of that moment!

The whole game was awful. In a season where we were blowing teams away with our attacking talent, Mourinho came and dished out a master-class. Rodgers was so naive that day. We went out and tried to take the game to them and Chelsea just soaked it up and time wasted and kept the ball. After they'd rode out the first 20 mins, it was a different game. Then Gerrard slipped. It just seemed to happen so quickly. I knew once we'd lost that game though that we'd blown our chances at the league. A point would’ve done!

I get that other fans would find it funny, particularly because of the "this doesn't slip now" quote that came at the end of the game before it. It's a 'laugh or you'll cry' moment for a lot of Liverpool fans now too. *Sigh* *Shudder*

Do you think West Ham were correct letting Allardyce go, with only one season until we move into the knew Stadium you all apparently help fund ? And what are you thoughts on the moaning about the public funding? (icwhs)

I do think West Hame were correct in letting Allardyce go as it was clear the fans weren't keen on him and let's be honest West Ham were never going to significantly progress under him. Bilic seems a good manager and I think he will do a good job there. I think the fact West Ham are moving into the new stadium will not be impacted what so ever by Allardyce leaving, it needed to happen looking from the outside.

Reece: From the outside looking in, it's easy to say West Ham should've stuck with Allardyce. After all, I don't watch West Ham every week. He's a safe bet and I think he was building a good squad too. That said, I admire the ambition and desire from West Ham to want to do better and push-on. Could Allardyce have taken you to the next level? I don't think so. The issue is that I'm not sure yet that Bilic can either. Anyway, talk of West Ham fighting relegation or even being in that area of the table is ridiculous as far as I'm concerned - plenty of worse sides in the league.

Regarding the stadium funding I didn't pay it too much attention. Public money gets spent on anything these days. At least it's you guys that got the stadium and not Spurs - who are now building a new stadium anyway.

Liverpool and Everton fans traditionally mix in the stadiums with no trouble between them. What was the general feeling and thoughts amongst Liverpool fans when the ideas of a ground share were mooted? (Lily Hammer)

No chance of that ever happening, neither set of fans would ever be happy with that. You're right, traditionally the City is a family and you have seen fans of both clubs sitting with the other supporters, but a ground share would not be taken well at all.

Reece: Some, including myself, were open to it. Others not so much. Something like that is bound to divide opinion. It would've been mutually beneficial but probably more so to Everton. I say that because we're in the process of expanding, whereas Everton fans have been complaining about the condition of Goodison recently. Looking back I suppose I'm glad it didn't happen. Although I wouldn't be surprised to hear the possibility mentioned again at some point.

Would finishing 4th be better than winning the League Cup, FA Cup and Europa League this season?

Well winning the Europa League now gives you a place in next seasons Champions League, so bearing that in mind with two other major trophies it would go down as a memorable and very successful season. I would take that over finishing just 4th, as long as it meant we weren't below 6th place in the table if we did the treble.

Reece: I'll always choose trophies in the cabinet, particularly a treble like that! We do need Champions League football - every Liverpool fan yearns for it. But yeah, I'd rather see my team win trophies.

If you had to sign one West Ham player who would it be?

There's a few to be honest, I'd take Payet but we have a lot of attacking midfielders/wingers already and if Joe Gomez wasn't performing so well I'd go for Aaron Cresswell. In fact if I had to say I'd go for Payet, he has really impressed me so far and is a real talent. You just have to look at his stats and who he compares to on that list, I'm sure West Ham fans were over the moon with him signing.

Reece: The knee-jerk answer would be Payet because the lad looks a class act and a great piece of business! I think I'd actually go with Kouyatè though, I really like the look of him. Maybe that's a crazy answer, I'm not sure. Cresswell is great too.

Your favourite packet of crisp?

Walkers cheese and onion without a doubt.

Reece: Erm... McCoy's Flame Grilled Steak. Yeah, probably those.

And finally, your prediction for the game.

I'm expecting West Ham to come and try and win the game after their two defeats recently, they will want to start picking up some points and moving towards the top half where they should be. Liverpool played very well at Arsenal on Monday and look solid defensively, but they need to start scoring goals. Close game but I'll say 2-1 to Liverpool, Benteke on the scoresheet.

Reece: Liverpool 1-0 West Ham. Coutinho with the goal. I say we'll win because I'll be well annoyed if we don't follow-up the draw at Arsenal.

Many thanks to Dan and Reece for their answers.

Twitter @vinnywhufc

Blog - vinnywhufc.wordpress.com

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Sniper 12:38 Fri Aug 28
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Top man as always vinny. Thanks very much

Tim Burr 10:59 Fri Aug 28
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Cunts, the lot of them, horrible, moaning, thieving cunts.
I just hope the players don't shit themselves and freeze as they normally do up there.
The one team I'd really love to see us beat.

worm 8:34 Fri Aug 28
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
I'll read it when i get home and can use my binoculars.

holyhandgrenade 7:34 Fri Aug 28
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Good work as always Vinny.

Also good to see the line of questioning progress from the old tired 'thieving scousers' line. We are beyond that now

mentor 11:33 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Haven't read it, but who gives a fuck what some scouse cunt thinks.

bruuuno 11:20 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Whata pair of paedo queers. Fuck em

El Scorchio 11:13 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Dammit! They seemed alright. Fair play to the pair of them.

Scraper 11:05 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool

Didn't pick my question. Not impressed.


gank 11:04 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Mr. Kenzo

ag ag ag ag

fraser 10:52 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Gerrard their greatest ever player?

Alwaysaniron 6:23 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Mr Kenzo 3:30 Thu Aug 27

Not sure if I'm allowed to laugh at that but i did....

Vinny I had a fucking great question and you didnt include it!!! Cunt!

Other than that an ok read to be honest.

kylay 4:56 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
awfully kind in their predictions especially given our lack of a striking option

thanks vin

BRANDED 4:45 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
You're finding abnormally sensible fans Vinny but I can't break my tradition.
Sound like a couple of cunts.

Pub Bigot 4:12 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Mr Kenzo 3:30 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool


icwhs 4:09 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Good read, cheers Vinny, seemed knowledgeable ok blokes.

I sneaked in a question!!

Grumpster 3:58 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Cheers Vinny, a couple of decent blokes there.

Charoo 3:53 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Decent blokes - good questions, good answers.

VirginiaHam 3:48 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Good questions and good answers. Vote of confidence for Bilic and a surprisingly optimistic (for us) comment about saturday, when you remember they are Liverpool fans.

Maybe there is far too much knicker wetting here.

Private Dancer 3:47 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Way too long for me I'm afraid.

joey5000 3:39 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
They didn't come across too badly. Cheers, Vinny

Hermit Road 3:39 Thu Aug 27
Re: View From The Opposition - Liverpool
Reece: "I'm a non-scouse Liverpool fan"

Reece sounds like a bit if a plum to me.

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